Edith Wharton & Her New York

In collaboration with ICAA National

Please note Pacific Daylight Time

Francis Morrone, Guest Lecturer

Free for ICAA Members
$20 General Public

Registration will close 1 hour prior to the event.

Edith Wharton is well known among architects and designers for her first book, The Decoration of Houses, an enormously influential tract on interior design published in 1897. She was also, of course, one of America’s greatest novelists, and 2020 marked the one hundredth anniversary of her best-known novel, The Age of Innocence. In this lavishly illustrated talk we will explore the native Manhattanite’s home town from the time of her birth at 14 West 23rd Street in 1862 to her departure for France at the turn of the century, and the world of The Age of Innocence, set among New York’s insular upper class in the 1870s, a time of profound change in America, in New York, and in what constituted “society.” Not least, we will examine the intellectual and literary foundations of the American Renaissance in architecture and art.

Francis Morrone is an architectural historian and a writer, and the author of fourteen books, including, with Henry Hope Reed, The New York Public Library: The Architecture and Decoration of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (W.W. Norton, 2011) and architectural guidebooks to Philadelphia and to Brooklyn. He is the recipient of the Arthur Ross Award of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art, the Landmarks Lion Award of the Historic Districts Council, and New York University’s Excellence in Teaching Award, and was named by Travel and Leisure Magazine as one of the thirteen best tour guides in the world. This talk is based on his keynote lecture at the 2020 Edith Wharton Society Conference.

This program will be presented on Zoom. The link will be sent 24 hours prior to the event.

The National Office would like to thank:
Lead Annual Public Programs Sponsor: RINCK
Seasonal Public Programs Sponsor: Dell Mitchell Architects
Seasonal Public Programs Sponsor: Hyde Park Mouldings

Our Digital Programs Made Possible by the Generous Support from:

Leadership Circle:
Tim Barber Architects
Richard Holz, Inc. Builders
Wade Weissmann Architecture
Appleton Partners
Jeff Hyland
Landry Design Group

American College of the Building Arts
Shawn Nelson Builders
DD Ford Construction
Foster Reeve Architectural & Ornamental Plaster
E. Braun & Company
New York Design Center
Robert’s Inc.
Dugally Oberfeld
Reside Custom Homes
MG Partners
Prime ECS Lifestyle Technology
Paul Brant Williger, Architect
Reside Custom Homes
Susan Masterman Architects

Gordon Gibson Construction
Rose Tarlow Melrose House
Benner Landscape Design
J.R.C. Group
Sun Electric
PHX Architecture
Kneedler Fauchere
Lutron & Western Energy & Lighting Controls


May 26 @ 5:00 pm
5:00 pm — 6:00 pm (1h)
