Gary Lawrance, Guest Lecturer
Free for ICAA Members
$20 General Public
1 AIA CES Learning Unit|Elective
Registration will close 1 hour prior to the event.
The North Shore of Long Island was where many millionaires built elaborate mansions on huge estates in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. The media of the period, which wrote about and photographed the extravagant world of the very rich at the time called it the, “Gold Coast.” Estates on vast acreage and mansions with up to 100 rooms in numerous architectural styles were constructed. They also were opulently decorated with fine antiques and rare artworks. These mansions were also surrounded by luxurious gardens, pool houses, tennis houses, stables, and some with working farms.
These magnificent settings, built for weekend retreats from New York City were the scene of sports activities such as polo, horse shows, yachting, fox hunting, golf and tennis, during the day and then glittering parties in the evening lasting until day break. This was the world that most people know about through F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel, “The Great Gatsby”
Sadly, many of these estates and mansions are no longer existing, demolished by fire and bulldozers, their memory only lives on in photos and books. It was a time of excessive grandeur and playfulness, and while it was only yesterday, it seems as far away as the court of Versailles. Architect, Author & Historian Gary Lawrance, will give a digital exploration of the magnificent estates and mansions of Long Island’s Gold Coast — one of the world’s premier collections of glamour, luxury, and architectural achievement.
This program will be presented on Zoom. The link will be sent prior to the lecture.
Our digital programs are made possible by the generous support from:
Leadership Circle:
Tim Barber Architects
Richard Holz, Inc. Builders
Wade Weissmann Architecture
Appleton Partners
Jeff Hyland
Landry Design Group
American College of the Building Arts
Shawn Nelson Builders
DD Ford Construction
Foster Reeve Architectural & Ornamental Plaster
E. Braun & Company
New York Design Center
Robert’s Inc.
Dugally Oberfeld
Reside Custom Homes
MG Partners
Prime ECS Lifestyle Technology
Paul Brant Williger, Architect
Reside Custom Homes
Susan Masterman Architects
Gordon Gibson Construction
Rose Tarlow Melrose House
Benner Landscape Design
J.R.C. Group
Sun Electric
PHX Architecture
Kneedler Fauchere
Lutron & Western Energy & Lighting Controls