Sacred Architecture – Creating Harmony in Design

Please join us for a riveting discussion with Bart Mendel, on the study of Sacred Architecture, and its application to modern times. The lecture will highlight Bart’s 45-year immersion in the field of sacred symbolism. The presentation will focus on the sacredness of eastern and western architectural traditions, along with the creation of harmony in design through the ancient natural hierarchy of heaven, earth, and human. Through understanding these concepts, we create the proper relationship between people and their environments.

Hosted on Zoom, Link will be sent prior to webinar


Much is revealed about humanity’s relationship with the sacred when we study how the profound has been designed and expressed across cultures. The architecture of Buddhist stupas is organic, rounded and designed to be circumambulated, touched, and experienced by people in their daily lives. Judeo-Christian churches have historically been grand edifices which awe and evoke a lofty, immutable Heaven. Classical western and Greek architecture, such as the Parthenon, with huge columns and mighty, soaring roofs were marvels of man’s own self-centered strength and engineering capability.


Bart will present dynamic images to illustrate how these elements historically have been practiced, and how they are applicable to the design of our buildings and homes today. Join us for an insightful educational evening as we explore what today’s classical architects can have in common with the architects of sacred spaces of the past.


Bart Mendel is President of Stonemark Construction Management, a project management firm that specializes in new construction and renovations for residential estates, commercial, multi-family residential, and religious & non-profit projects. Bart has been a Buddhist practitioner and teacher for 45 years and has taught meditation and philosophy extensively throughout the US, Canada and Europe. In his travels throughout Asia and Europe, he has studied numerous sacred sites and buildings, and is eager to share his experience of how sacred architecture can inform our approach to the built environment.



Free for ICAA members

$15 non-members

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Please note registration will close 1 day prior to the event.

February 16 @ 5:00 pm
5:00 pm — 6:00 pm (1h)


Bart Mendel