Shades & Shadows for the practitioner, with Erik Evens

Please join ICAA Southern California and Erik Evens for a course in drawing shades and shadows, focusing on repeatable techniques for the design practitioner. The student will learn to apply a set of basic rules to achieve accurate, believable shade and shadow effects for use in freehand sketches, plan, elevation, and perspective drawings. Basic theory of […]

The Elements of Classical Architecture – The Tuscan Order in Design

Please join instructor David Rinehart for The Elements of Classical Architecture – The Tuscan Order in Design. The class will begin with learning about the emergence and evolution of the Tuscan Order in antiquity. It will look at the Order’s re-emergence in the Renaissance and its continued development to the modern era. The class will focus on drawing exercises employing the Order in a design composition that […]

Introduction to the Classical Orders: The Tuscan Order

David Rinehart, Instructor Location: ICAA SoCal Headquarters, 1556 17th Street, Santa Monica CA 90404 REGISTER Limited capacity. This fast-paced class provides an introduction to understanding and laying out classical architecture through a study of the Ionic Order. Students of all abilities will learn the proportions, details and essential parts of classical architecture by laying out […]